Its fun being Tangy!

Thursday, October 08, 2009

No Means No

A phone call:
note: my mom is somewhat tone deaf and sounds like a cat stuck in a windsock when she sings.

mom: alexa! we are going to sing the national anthem at work on friday. all of us chinese people said that we are going to go home and do our homework so we can sing the national anthem with pride and not seem like foreigners. i don't know the words and tune!
me: you can look them up online.
mom: yes, on youtube?
me: wow, yes! very good.
mom: but i want to hear you sing it for me. will you sing it with me? i don't know how the words go with the tune very well.
me: oh say can you see...
mom: OH say can you SEEEE!!!
we sing the anthem.
together: ...and the home of the braaAAAVE
mom: what are ramparts? what does gallant mean? why are they streaming?
me: ramparts, like a fort. gallant is like brave. streaming, you know, like streaming.
mom: hey! you know how to sing "singing in the rain!" will you sing that?
me: yeah, i could, but i'm actually at a friend's house, and this is probably weird already...
mom: oh. okay. just real fast?
me: i'm singing in the rain...
mom: just singing in the rain...
me: what a glorious feeling i'm happy again...singing just singing in the rain
mom: no it's "...and i'm ready for love"
me: okay - and i'm ready for love
mom: hey! what about somewhere over the rainbow!
me: mom!
mom: okay you can't
me: okay
mom: please? just start me off!
me: somewhere over the rainbow...
mom: someWHERE over the RAIN-BOW
together: ...dare to dream really do come true.
mom: no, it's "once in a lullaby!"
me: okay fine
together: once in a lullaby
mom: okay haha bye!

friend: so what was going on there?
me: my mom has to sing the anthem at work.
friend: right.


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