Its fun being Tangy!

Sunday, April 23, 2006

Grandpa explains it all

Joy and I went to visit grandpa yesterday and today.
he got so excited to see joy that he decided to give us both grandpa-lectures.

in my lecture, he explained einstein's theory regarding humans:
", they are equal and not, they are the same and different. this is like man and woman, the particle and anti-particle...they are not the same but they need each other to complete the equation..."

it's the first time grandpa almost made sense to me.

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Mommy cut our heads off

Sunday, April 16, 2006

surprise! i'm a lesbian!

just a couple days ago, i ate lunch with my brother allen and my friend jake.
on the way out, allen and i started talking about mom, and her issues with our relationships with significant others--or lack thereof:

me: she has her issues with each of us. for joy it's "why won't you let prince charming find you?" with melodie it's, "when are you getting married?" and with you allen it's "don't rush into marriage!" and with me it's "why don't you like boys?!"
jake: you don't like boys?
me: no, my mom just doesn't think i do. she thinks i'm hopeless, actually.*

and then last night she came up to college station and while we were sitting in bed...
mom: so i was thinking, maybe it's because you didn't have a father to hold you when you were little that you don't desire for boys. am i right?
me: no, mom.

*so hopeless, in fact, that she offered me 100 dollars if i went on a date before the end of the semester. ha! haha!
still working on that one.

Thursday, April 06, 2006

Melodie never reads the directions

so last night i really wanted to make a box cake really badly.... so after my run i go upstairs to start making my cake out of a box..... and i said to eric, "who can mess up cake from a box?".... and i put all the ingredients together ... 1 1/4 cup water, 1 1/3 cup oil, 3 eggs, and cake mix. then i thought, "the consistency is funny" so i looked at the box again. apparently it is only 1/3 cup of oil. so ya know, i had enough oil in there for 4 cakes. i felt so defeated, i thought i might cry! who does that? eric went and bought me another box of cake mix to try again so i wouldn't go jump out the window or something

Sunday, April 02, 2006

again i go unnoticed (see, that's a song title)

as you guys know, i'm not very good at talking to people i don't know.
and by "not very good," you know i mean that i stand there with my arms crossed, staring in the distance, and not talking to anyone.

i did that again friday night, when somehow i was convinced to go to the institute activity without my usual sidekick of sadie. i just stood there and didn't talk to anyone. and it's not that i didn't think some things were funny, or interesting, or that i didnt' have anything to say. i just chose not to say anything, and sometimes people interpret that as awkward.

then the churchy kids decided to play soccer. i went along with them, and first i was timid and didn't do anything, but then i started playing and actually had a really good time. i got to run around and sweat a lot. plus, i didn't actually have to talk to anyone.

so the people at church might think my name is alexis, but at least they know now that i can run fast.

-alexa (that's for joy)

Saturday, April 01, 2006

blah blah blah

i don't like it when mom complains to me about you guys, as if she doesn't realize that you are my best friends.