Its fun being Tangy!

Thursday, September 28, 2006


medolie: it is because everyone wants to see their driven afraid to be vulnerable side in christina
medolie: and everyone has that guy friend who is always in the "friend" zone- so they relate to george
medolie: everyone has known that guy who is kind of a jack ass but very good looking and occasionally charming so they are kind of friends with him even though they know he is a jerk- so they relate to alex.
medolie: and everyone wants to see their heart ache scenarios in meredith
gnataxela: no one else to cover?
gnataxela: derek?
gnataxela: he's just mcdreamy i guess
medolie: well derek is two things
medolie: derek is the oh so hot guy that you can't stop smiling at
medolie: but he's also that guy you love even though you know its bad for you and it makes you look pathetic
medolie: so back to the heart ache thing
medolie: and addison
medolie: she messed up
medolie: but she wants to make it right
medolie: so people relate to that too
medolie: and they are like, "shoudl we forgive her? should we? "
medolie: haha
medolie: so ya know- you have it covered
medolie: your heartache, your tough side, your boy "friend", your super hot love throb
medolie: all in one dramatic package full of controversial issues and heartbreaking medical drama
gnataxela: *applause*
medolie: *bow*
medolie: i have a very useful skill
medolie: a successful tv show is specific enough in the story
medolie: but generic enough so that people can take their non-unique lives and make it relate

Sunday, September 24, 2006

you're invited

yesterday, candace gave me the best compliment i've ever received in my life.
she said, "alexa, your skin is looking really good."

i don't think i've ever reacted so genuinely to a compliment before. i always said that when my skin cleared up i'd throw a party and everyone would be invited, and this means that i just might have to throw a clear skin party now.

everyone could come and bring their favorite salicylic acid or benzoyl peroxide product, a face mask, homemade avocado mixture, testimonials from proactiv...and then we'd glisten in our noncomodogenic beauty.

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

don't forget to chew

Sllep well and tight. I am sorry that I disturbed all your sleeps in last 20
years. I am sinned. I am chianging.

love you
eat well balanced diet. Chew------ well , will prevent acid=felux in your
middle age life.

for sure.


Sunday, September 10, 2006


Saturday, September 02, 2006


eating lunch with mom:

mom: where's ivan?
me: he's dead.

hey melodie, tom cruise is running around on tv!