Its fun being Tangy!

Thursday, March 30, 2006

Alexa, the people eating tent

alexa was hungry from sitting in the tent.... so she emerged and tried to eat the stranger sitting at the table....

Monday, March 27, 2006

Like a mini-skirt?

i wrote the mother a short email that said, "thank you for packaging my cilantro so it would last longer" - i was trying to be nice and make her feel appreciated.....

You are very welcomed. To do something for my baby made me feel good.Thank you to open your apt. for us. It was fun including the wathersetbacks. Short and sweet-like the mini skirt!!!

a little game

go to the picture of us at christmas and click it to enlarge it.

then, cover up alexa and joy's eyes and look at their smiles and chins.
then, cover up alexa and allen's mouths and look at their eyes.

maybe we are related.

except for melodie. i couldn't find anything to cover up to make her look like me.

In search of Joy's mate

The family invaded my space in Chicago recently. Joy has a good friend who works in my office. We have lunch occassionally, he listens to me say angry words about work. Anyways, so I dropped Joy off to hang out with her friend. Her friend comes downstairs to greet Joy and gives her a kiss on the cheek as a hello. My mother is standing next to us. Alexa and I look at mother and and we see this look in her eyes that says, "OoooOOoohh.... maybe THIS nice young man will like Joy".... Alexa and I say nothing as Joy leaves with her friend because what we know that the mommy doesn't know is that Joy's handsome polite friend is gay. We giggle to each other and anticipate the inevitable conversation my mother will have with Joy where she will start to probe and ask questions and Joy will give her unsatisfying answers. Then mommy will get frustrated because Joy will not give up the information she is looking for and will finally just out right ask her whether or not she could love this friend who seems like such a nice young man. Alexa and I nod at each other. We await this conversation because it will be hilarious. The conversation comes as predicted two days later while in the subway station. It was as good as we hoped it would be.

i love ultimate

but you already knew that.

what you didn't know is that according to Katey,
"She has a fantastic attitude, good field sense and aggression. Happily covered guys this weekend at centex."

yeah that's right. i've got aggression. just thought you might want to know.

(this is the very nice lady referring me to another club team who cut me from her elite team. hahaha.)

Friday, March 24, 2006

i've just spent the last hour and a half trying to move a CMU wall in autocad.

i am officially an idiot because an hour and a half later, the wall has not been moved to the correct spot. i'm retarded! i'm going to be homeless and jobless because i can't even grow up to be a cadmonkey.

Thursday, March 23, 2006

Something about Melodie

Once upon a time, I was talking to Melodie. In the middle of one of my sentences, she opened her mouth and went, "Acchhawp!!" Apparently, this is the sound one makes when pretending to bite somebody. Stoically, I tried to finish my sentence.
"And I went to...."
"What are you..."
Clearly, that sentence was not meant to be.
And now, I do this too. I tried to bite Dan Reinhold yesterday, and I believe he feared for his life. So, here's a theory : The infamous Tang family food obsession has infilitrated every aspect of their existence. It has become a way of life, a language, maybe. If so, here's the translation: To be bitten, is to be loved.

Joy's getting married

mommy said to me that she had a feeling that this was the year joy would get married. i laughed as hard as you can laugh without distracting your co-workers. ya know, it only makes sense seeing that joy is not dating anyone. my mother also says that at a certain age you NEED a significant other. apparently we have graduated to the stage where dating is a necessity instead of a distraction. i remember in HS she caught me holding hands with a boy and i got in big big trouble. apparently she told alexa a few weeks ago that if alexa went on a date she would pay her $100. oh, how times have changed.

(picture from the day of the spinning tree game)

no wonder we have acne

last night mom called me to say goodnight.

but really she called to tell me that she regrets that she didn't wash our faces with nice warm water when we woke up.
yes, that's right, she apologized for not washing our faces for us!
of all the things to regret, she regrets that? i don't really get it.

i think what she was really calling to say is that she's sorry her hao bu spoiled her and she didn't spoil us. but i like to think that she's crazy because her hao bu spoiled her into believing that everyone is as caring as a 60 year old woman with no children or job.

we're crazy because we have dirty faces.

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

The chopsticks will kill you

This blog has been created for the Tang children (pictured above). It is for us to share and relate the craziness and hilarious-ness (yes, this is a word) of our family. Let me begin with an example post:

Voicemail from mommy on my phone yesterday went some what like this:

" George told me that a scientific study has shown that there is bleach and preservatives in the bamboo chopsticks at Chinese restaurants!!! Melodie, I know you always go eat in Chinatown. Do not go eat there anymore. We have to all bring our own chopsticks and spoons when we go out to eat. We have been eating poison and we don't know it. "