Its fun being Tangy!

Sunday, January 06, 2008


due to the ever-growing popularity of the internet, encyclopedias have basically become obsolete. realizing this, mommy decided that it was time to say goodbye to our loved '93 World Book Encyclopedias.
we loaded them up in my car and took them to Doerre Intermediate to be recycled (are the covers recyclable? i hope so.)

"goodbye, world books!" we said as we threw them in.

At home, 15 minutes later:
mom: i have to admit that i am sad that we threw the world books away.
me: i know, me too. we got good use out of them over the years though.
mom: i'm sad because my uncle's face is in the encyclopedia.
me: you could have saved that page.
mom: oh! you're right! should we go back and get it? let's go back and get it.
me: okay, let's go.

On the way back to Doerre:
mom: you know, i didn't ever call my uncle to tell him that i mailed him bong-g-ers for christmas.
me: oh yeah, we didn't attach a special note when we got it shipped.
mom: yeah. maybe i should call him and tell him that i sent him bong-g-ers.
me: mom, the "g" is silent.
mom: bong-g-ers?
me: bongers, like in "ying er tang."
mom: bonners?
me: bongers!
mom: bong-g-ers?
me: bongers! bong-g-ers? is it bong-g-ers? bongers! oh gosh i don't know how to say it anymore!
mom: (while looking at the cafeteria lights lovingly) I love Doerre.

i stopped driving because i was laughing too hard and couldn't keep my eyes open.
mom: hurry! before someone sees us and calls the police!

I jumped in the recycling dumpster to rescue our uncle, only to find that his picture wasn't actually published in any of the encylopedias. but his name does appear 3 times in 3 separate books; we're keeping all 3.