Its fun being Tangy!

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Lost, not necessarily in Translation

Mom calls (again):
Mom: Hi! I forgot to tell you (jumble of words) crunch!
Me: What's that? I didn't understand you.
Mom: Crunch! Crunch!
Me: What does that mean? What are you talking about?
Mom: Crunch! Crunch! You used to like chocolate krispie!
Me: Oh, no thank you.
Mom: What, no thank you? What does that mean?
Me: It means no, I do not need it.
Mom: Why? I bought it for your students.
Me: You already bought it? What are you saying? Will you speak in whole sentences? I don't know what you're asking.
Mom: Crunch! Kit Kat! Crunch!
Me: Mom! Complete sentences! I don't know what you're asking.
Mom: (louder) CRUNCH! KIT KAT!
Me: Do you already have the Crunch and Kit Kat?
Mom: Yes.
Me: Oh, okay then. Thank you. I didn't realize you already had it.
Mom: What should have I said? Teach me.
Me: You should have said, "I bought some chocolate for your students. Make sure to take it with you when you come home." and I would have said, "Thank you."
Mom: I know.
Me: I'm sweating.