Its fun being Tangy!

Monday, November 12, 2007

with our powers combined

a phone conversation:
melodie: before we were weather storms, and now we are the elements. work on that.
alexa: okay, i think allen would have to be earth. he's kinda dirty.
melodie: yeah and joy would have to be wind.
alexa: i think i get water.
melodie: so what am i?
alexa: you're fire.
melodie: why am i always flashy and burning people?
alexa: haha, and mom can be heart!
melodie: oh i didn't realize we were doing captain planet.
alexa: i guess that makes daddy captain planet?

Sunday, November 04, 2007

Soorry ,Kids.

in the letter to Joy, I wanted to say risk factors but I typed "Rick factors" I hoped you firured it out already. Did you see it?
