Its fun being Tangy!

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Mother in the Bay Area

because mother wandered off the day before:
mel: remember we are on the buddy system! touch your buddy!!
alexa touches melodie
mel: touch your buddy mom!
mom: OOHH! touch your BUDDY... i was touching my BODY

walking outside of Pier 1 on Embarcadero and passing a homeless man pushing around a large cart of stuff:
mom: what is this guy?
alexa: he has no home
mom: his "home" looks pretty big to me!

passing gas station 76:
mom: when i first moved to the US in 1976 i saw this gas station and thought "wow! america is really cool! it changed the gas station sign for the year!"

after going to Trader Joe's for the first time:
mom: i think we need to go to Joe Traders again
us: its Trader Joe's mom
next time
mom: i think we need to go to Joe Traders again

Monday, May 19, 2008

alexa and melly used to look much more different. but she loved melly so much... she started to morph into her as the years passed...

Sunday, May 11, 2008

mom: the internet doesn't work anymore!!
mel: where is the modem?
mom: what modem?
mel: the little box..that is about this big...and has these little blinking lights
mom: oh..... maybe i threw it away....
mel: that would be why the internet is not working.