Its fun being Tangy!

Monday, March 26, 2007

sick sick

at a church activity, some people were reading quotes and then we talked about them.
i was sitting next to a girl who was reading one of the quotes, and a word in it was "receiving."
as soon as she read it, i thought to myself, "Man, i bet they spelled receiving wrong."
I looked over her shoulder to see if i was right, i was, and then i was like, "ha! i'm right!" and for a second i felt really triumphant.

and then i was really sad because i realized how horribly judgmental that is. what am i going to do with myself.

Friday, March 16, 2007

i miss you guys!!!

Thursday, March 08, 2007


This line from Sister Mortenson's email irks me:
"How are your kids doing.....any marriages that I don't know about?"

Is that the only thing in our lives that is of any importance?
She didn't ask, "How are your kids Alexa still making straight A's?"
"How are your kids doing...does Allen still love plants?"
"How are your kids Melodie still doubling the efficiency of corporate America?"
"How are your kids Joy still teaching? Oh, she's at grad school!"

Nope, we are born to be marriage machines.

But here's a little secret...
I don't want to date ever, I don't want to get married, and I definitely do not want children!